Alia Summer – Author

Myself Alia Summer, and I am an Author at ElectricCarPK.com. With a rich background in the automotive industry and a deep enthusiasm for electric vehicles, I am here to provide you with valuable insights and comprehensive information about the world of EVs.

Professional Background

Automotive Industry Experience

Millat Tractors

  • Began my career as a Market Research Analyst, focusing on trends and developments in sustainable agricultural machinery and electric vehicles.

United Auto Industries

  • Worked as an Automotive Content Specialist from 2015 to 2018, producing in-depth articles and reviews on the latest advancements in electric vehicles.

Changan Pakistan

  • Served as a Senior Technical Writer from 2018 to 2021, creating detailed user guides and technical documentation for electric and hybrid cars.

Sigma Motors

  • Currently employed as a Content Author since 2021, dedicated to writing comprehensive comparisons, reviews, and articles on the latest electric vehicle technologies.


Through ElectricCarPK.com, I continue to channel my passion for electric vehicles, aiming to educate and inform our readers with high-quality content.

What I Offer

  • Comprehensive Comparisons: I provide detailed comparisons of various electric car models, helping you choose the best EV that fits your needs.
  • Technical Insights: My articles delve into the technical aspects of electric vehicles, batteries, and charging infrastructure.
  • Latest Industry News: Stay updated with the latest trends and developments in the electric vehicle industry through my timely and informative posts.

My Vision And Mission

I joined ElectricCarPK.com with a vision to make electric vehicle knowledge easily accessible to everyone. My mission is to bridge the knowledge gap and ensure our readers are well-informed about the benefits and advancements of electric vehicles.

Core Beliefs And Goals

  • Knowledge Accessibility: I believe in making complex information about electric vehicles easy to understand for everyone.
  • Educational Empowerment: Through my articles and guides, I aim to educate our readers and empower them to make sustainable transportation choices.

Thank you for choosing ElectricCarPK.com as your trusted source for electric vehicle information. I look forward to contributing to your understanding of this exciting and transformative industry.

Warm regards,

Alia Summer Author, ElectricCarPK.com